News: the cell theatre Premieres "Tolerance Party" Live Online on Sept. 1

Image courtesy Spin Cycle PR

Nancy Manocherian’s the cell theatre has announced the premiere of its first serialized online broadcast Tolerance Party: #1 "Ice Breakers,which will be available to stream via its website. Six strangers are brought together in a video chat by an unknown entity and are given a group task, but no one can agree on what it is. They've received written instructions--they think--and carry with them a belief in a larger purpose. How can these folks learn to co-exist inside a new world order that doesn’t obey the rules of time and space? 

This dark comedy written and directed by Joseph Hendel (Katzelmacher, USA) is a serialized plunge into the social politics of the xenosphere. Audiences are encouraged to participate in a live chat function that will help determine the fate of the characters in following episodes. The cast includes Corey Allen (Mindhunter, Manh(a)ttan) Bob Jaffe (Sweetbitter, Brotherhood, Memory Retrograde) Heather Mo’Witz, Richard Urquiza, India Meñete, and Brian Reager. Production design is by DimlyWit Productions, original music by Ricardo Romaneiro, co-concieved by Artistic Director Kira Simring (Yes!, Reflections of Molly Bloom, Crackskull Row). 

Tolerance Party: #1 "Ice Breakerswill be streamed live on Tuesday September 1, 2020 at 8PM. Running time is approximately 30 minutes. Tickets are available on a sliding scale from $5 to $25. You may purchase tickets at this link. Follow the cell on instagram at @thecelltheatre for updates or visit its website for upcoming events.


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