Review: Dinosaurs and Doctors Cause Trouble in Queerly Festival's Double Feature
A Probably Disastrous Experiment Created and performed by Rachel Weekley Directed by Nazlah Black Welcome to My UNAverse Created and performed by Una Aya Osato Presented by FRIGID New York at The Kraine Theater 85 E 4th St., Manhattan, NYC June 26 and 30, 2023 (*masks required) This year's annual Queerly Festival, a "celebration of all things artistic and LGBTQIA2S+" presented by FRIGID New York at the Kraine Theater and UNDER St. Marks from June 15th through July 3rd, includes in its mix of plays, storytelling, comedy, drag, and more (visit FRIGID New York for the full schedule) a double feature of short works that both, in different ways, explore the juxtaposition of humor and tragedy. And although A Probably Disastrous Experiment stars a giant dinosaur while Welcome to My UNAverse focuses on a human New Yorker who comes in at well under 100 feet tall, both shows also offer perspectives on bodies that violate hegemonic boundaries. ( The second performance of the dou