Review: "God of Obsidian" Gleams Darkly
Cover art by Kate Kosma God of Obsidian Written by Mac Rogers Directed by Jordana Williams Presented by Gideon Media on all podcast platforms Episode 1: August 27, 2021 Episode 2: September 3, 2021 Episode 3: September 10, 2021 If an intimate partner proposes any type of Bluebeard-style rule or, worse yet, expresses a lack of empathy for the service workers who deliver goods to his/her/their home, consider that a red flag. This applies doubly if the home in question stands at the end of a rickety bridge in the woods, as does Nathan's (Mac Rogers) sylvan abode in Mac Rogers's God of Obsidian . Rogers and Rebecca Comtois, as Nathan's significant other, Alice, reprise their roles from God of Obsidian 's 2017 stage debut as it transitions seamlessly into a free three-part audio play for this new production. Alice's first impression of Nathan's home elicits a comparison to the Brothers Grimm, and although subtle fairy tale elements indeed run throughout the play (Nat...