News: Sarah Ruhl's "Melancholy Play" to Be Presented by Invisible Disco June 24 and 25

Sarah Ruhl's Melancholy Play tells the story of Tilly, a beautiful yet sad woman objectified by everyone around her. Tilly uses her sadness and its characteristic sexiness to her advantage, even as it breaks her heart to do so. It is the story of a woman who must reclaim her sexuality and fins her own happiness even though no one around her wants her to. This story does not exist in a vacuum: it has been told many times in many different ways throughout the history of art. Tilly sees the world as an enormous work of art, and that takes a psychical form in this production through consistent visual reference to art throughout history. 

As director John Trindl puts it, "Our production leans into this artistic legacy, with an emphasis on what the playwright, Sarah Ruhl, calls a 'sense of the iconic and cinematic.' Using the theatrical elements of light, sound, movement, and design, we aim to draw inspiration from and pay homage to works of art that have been inspired by sadness, sensuality, and femininity, in the pursuit of a new and original artistic vision."

Melancholy Play is being produced by Invisible Disco Productions, an independent production company based in NYC. Invisible Disco's work has been performed at the Frigid Fringe Festival, the Queerly Festival, the Rogue Theatre Festival, and many more theater festivals around NYC. 

Performances of Melancholy Play will take place on June 24th at 8pm and June 25th at 2pm and 8pm at the New Stage Performance Space, 36 W 106 St. on the Upper West Side. The show features Dora Batinović, Blake Brauer, Tony Danieluk, Puma St. Omar, Aynsleigh Weller Haines, and Chantal van Zyl. 

Tickets are available here.


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